

Spring Boot SQL AI: Natural Language to JPA & JPQL Queries


Spring Boot SQL AI: Natural Language to JPA & JPQL Queries

Spring Boot SQL AI: Natural Language to JPA & JPQL Queries

Spring Boot SQL AI: Natural Language to JPA & JPQL Queries

Dec 10, 2024

Dec 10, 2024

Dec 10, 2024

Leverage AI2SQL to transform plain English descriptions into optimized database queries for Spring Boot applications. Save time by generating JPA repository methods, JPQL, Criteria API, and native SQL queries with ease.

Start building efficient queries at Spring Boot SQL AI.

How It Works

  1. Visit AI2SQL.

  2. Select Spring Boot as your framework.

  3. Enter your query description in natural language.

  4. Instantly receive JPA or SQL code tailored for your use case.

Example Queries

1. JPA Repository Methods

Natural Language: "Find active users who registered in the last 30 days."

// Generated Repository Method
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
    List<User> findByActiveAndCreatedAtAfter(
        boolean active, 
        LocalDateTime date

// Usage
public class UserService {
    private UserRepository userRepository;
    public List<User> getRecentActiveUsers() {
        return userRepository.findByActiveAndCreatedAtAfter(

2. JPQL Queries

Natural Language: "Get orders with their items and customer details, total over $100."

// Generated JPQL Query
    JOIN FETCH o.orderItems i
    JOIN FETCH o.customer c
    WHERE (SELECT SUM(oi.price * oi.quantity) 
           FROM OrderItem oi 
           WHERE oi.order = o) > 100
    ORDER BY o.createdAt DESC
List<Order> findOrdersWithItemsAndCustomer();

3. Criteria API

Natural Language: "Find products with low inventory and high demand."

// Generated Criteria API Query
public List<Product> findLowStockHighDemandProducts(LocalDateTime since, int threshold) {
    CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Product> cq = cb.createQuery(Product.class);
    Root<Product> product = cq.from(Product.class);
    Join<Product, Inventory> inventory = product.join("inventory", JoinType.LEFT);
    Subquery<Long> demandCount = cq.subquery(Long.class);
    Root<OrderItem> orderItem = demandCount.from(OrderItem.class);

        .where(cb.equal(orderItem.get("product"), product),
               cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(orderItem.get("createdAt"), since));
            cb.lessThanOrEqualTo(inventory.get("stockLevel"), inventory.get("reorderPoint")),
            cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(demandCount, threshold)
    return entityManager.createQuery(cq).getResultList();

Key Features

1. Query Types

  • JPA repository methods

  • JPQL for concise object queries

  • Criteria API for dynamic and complex queries

  • Native SQL for direct database interaction

2. Advanced Optimizations

  • Suggests fetch strategies to avoid N+1 queries.

  • Includes index recommendations for better performance.

  • Generates queries with proper pagination and sorting.

3. Developer-Friendly

  • Compatible with Spring Boot 2.x and 3.x.

  • Generates code adhering to Spring conventions.

  • Easily integrates with custom repository implementations.

Common Use Cases

1. Sales Analysis

Natural Language: "Show monthly sales totals with year-over-year comparison."

    SELECT new com.example.dto.SalesReport(
        FUNCTION('DATE_FORMAT', o.createdAt, '%Y-%m') as month,
        SUM(o.totalAmount) as revenue,
        COUNT(o) as orderCount
    FROM Order o
    WHERE o.createdAt >= :startDate
    GROUP BY month
    ORDER BY month DESC
List<SalesReport> getMonthlySalesReport(LocalDateTime startDate);

2. Dynamic Filtering

Natural Language: "Find orders matching multiple dynamic criteria."

// Specification for dynamic filtering
public class OrderSpecifications {
    public static Specification<Order> withDynamicCriteria(
            LocalDateTime startDate,
            LocalDateTime endDate,
            String status,
            BigDecimal minAmount) {
        return (root, query, cb) -> {
            List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
            if (startDate != null && endDate != null) {
            if (status != null) {
            if (minAmount != null) {
            return cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));

Best Practices for Spring Boot Queries

1. Optimize Fetch Strategies

  • Use fetch = FetchType.LAZY for associations to load data only when needed.

  • Apply JOIN FETCH in JPQL queries for eager loading.

2. Use Specifications for Complex Filtering

Simplify query logic by creating reusable specifications.

3. Monitor Query Performance

  • Enable Hibernate’s SQL logs for debugging.

  • Use profiling tools like JPA Buddy or Spring Actuator.

FAQs About Spring Boot SQL AI

Q: Can it handle complex relationships?

A: Yes, AI2SQL supports many-to-many, one-to-many, and custom JPA relationships.

Q: Is it compatible with Spring Boot 3.x?

A: Absolutely, AI2SQL generates code optimized for the latest Spring Boot versions.

Next Steps

  1. Start Generating Queries: Visit Spring Boot SQL AI.

  2. Explore Advanced Features: Utilize JPQL, Criteria API, and native SQL for tailored database operations.

  3. Streamline Your Development: Simplify database interaction with AI2SQL.

For additional support, contact support@ai2sql.io.

Transform your Spring Boot database queries with AI2SQL today!

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